Tuesday, 22 October 2013

Meet the 33yr Old Man Who Spent N16 million To look like Justin Beiber...


A 33-year-fanatic has spent N16 million ($100,000) and Five years in an effort like his  teenaged pop idol Justin Bieber. 

Toby Sheldon, a 33-year-old songwriter, is making headlines this week for having spent a grand total of $100,000 to look like Justin Bieber. Which, I suppose, is the best thing anyone can expect in exchange for having spent $100,000 to look like Justin Bieber.

Weirdly, Sheldon is not even that into Bieber’s music. He just likes his “boyish good looks.” It turns out Sheldon has a super intense fear of getting old—he even invested in $8,000 worth of hair plugs at the age of 23. When Bieber came on the scene, he decided he needed even more hair in order to emulate the Biebs’ bangs, and spent another $21,000 on more hair plugs.

His surgeries have included “smile surgery”—to make it look like he’s smiling all the time, eyebrow lifts, and facial plumping of various sorts. He still plans to have further surgery on his nose and jaw to complete the transformation.

While I suppose it’s his money and he can do what he wants with it, I just can’t imagine what he thinks he’s going to gain by looking like Justin Bieber that would actually be worth $100,000. I mean, I get that I look like Ally Sheedy pretty much all the time, and it’s gotten me nowhere in life. At no time ever has anyone said to me “Hey, you look like that crazy girl from ‘The Breakfast Club!’ Have a hundred dollars!” or anything.

Although one time a lady gave me $50 in order to take a picture of my nose to give to her surgeon. That was more weird than anything, but I was kinda broke at the time, so whatevs.

Resemblance? Toby Sheldon acknowledges that he needs a few more procedures before he'll be considered Bieber's 'doppelganger'
Resemblance? Toby Sheldon acknowledges that he needs a few more procedures before he’ll be considered Bieber’s ‘doppelganger’

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