The name Sketch is one you must have heard at least once or twice if you are a student of the University of Lagos, Rated as one of the top rap acts from the university of first choice Sketch reveals a few details about himself.
-Good to have you with us Sketch!, first of all could you introduce yourself to the unfortunate few who haven’t heard of sketch
Sketch – My name is Ademide Ajose, a 300L Geophysics student in UNILAG
- You are regarded as one of the most gifted rap acts in the University of Lagos, do you see yourself as such? And if yes, why?
Sketch – Rap?,
Rap Acts? Most gifted Rap Act? Nah mehn. Hardly even do that anymore.
I’m basically into a more simplified level of singing.
- When did you first take an interest in rap and what ignited the passion which led you to become a Rap artiste?
Sketch – Mine
is basically the same story as anyone, same cliché story, not even
tryna lie, same kid who loved rap then went out to do his thing.
- When you come up with your lines what’s going on in your head, what
are you trying to achieve and what response are you expecting from your
listening audience?
Sketch – I’m
basically tryna make people think and say, oh that’s the same shit I’m
going through. Same way my babe left or same kinda shit my babe’s doing,
or same kinda life I’m experiencing now.
- What’s your most memorable performance to date and what makes it stand out for you?
Sketch – The one in front of my mom, she hugged me so tight after.
- A while back TNSMW (the new sketch music week) was all over the
social media, can you tell us how you were able to generate so much
publicity most especially on twitter?
Sketch - Because I am who I am really. I know who I know & I have incredible friends.
- Out of all the work you have put out so far, do you have any favorite(s)?
Sketch – Nahh, hope to have a favourite soon. God’s time.
- In the Nigerian and international Music industry are there any acts you would like to work with in the future?
Sketch – J. Cole, Drake, M.I, Eva Alordiah, List is endless, basically anyone that wants to work with me.
- A few months ago a unilag cypher was released featuring unilag’s
top rappers which you were among, you seem to have received a lot of
stick for what was deemed as a below par performance, can you tell us
why that was and what went wrong..
Sketch – Coz I took it for granted.
Sketch – I got a compilation, it’s called “No Talent Left”. As soon as it’s fit for public hearing the public would get to hearing it.
- Any parting words?Sketch – Was great having this interview. May your blessings come in boxes
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