Wednesday, 17 July 2013


What Is the Duty of an Administrator in an Organization?
by Brian Bass, Demand Media

The duty of an administrator depends on the company that the administrator works for. However, general skills exist that apply to most administrators across varied organizations. One of the primary duties of an administrator is to ensure that the organization operates with efficiency. This requires a set of skills that can handle the many different people and situations within the organization. Specific skills essential to an effective administrator include good communication and being organized.

Planning and Organizing

In organizations, an administrator devises short-range and long-term plans that establish a clear set of objectives that aim to get the organization where it wants to go. For the administrator to succeed in implementing these plans, he must understand the how, when and whom of the plan. Besides planning, an administrator provides efficiency through organization. This organization allows the administrator to coordinate the efforts of a business to achieve one or a set of goals collectively.


After planning and organizing, the administrator must establish the direction that others in the organization will follow. Leading the individuals within the organization to accomplish a common set of goals requires the combination of resources and an effective support system. An administrator should have interpersonal skills that can manage the many different personalities that exist within the organization. Additionally, an effective administrator will use the capabilities of the staff to make the plan succeed. This includes the delegation of authority, responsibility and control to other supervisory staff.


Another important duty of an administrator involves staffing the organization with the right people. This requires a complete knowledge of the organization and what the organization needs. The administrator must coordinate with human resources and other departments within the organization. Administrators typically want to have active participation in recruiting and screening new individuals for the organization. After hiring new personnel, the administrator should actively appraise the progress of the new employees.


An effective administrator is a liaison between management and staff. By engaging both parties, an administrator can find solutions that will meet the demands of both management and staff. This can help to make the organization a positive work environment free of many problems and conflicts. The administrator should manage the information, performance and expectations of everyone within the organization and make necessary corrections to benefit the organization.

Tuesday, 16 July 2013


Let’s look at how our thinking influences who we believe we are and what we believe we are able to do. We’re going to build on many of the concepts that we have looked at in previous blogs.


The first thing to consider regarding the source of our thoughts is the relationship between creation and self-concept. Your attitudes are largely a result of your self-concept – the picture you have of yourself. What is your idea about who and what you are? Your answer to this question is crucial because self-perception influences whether or not you will realize your inherent leadership potential.

The Creator designed you in His image, and therefore He wants you to have a concept of yourself that is in line with who He is. That is the picture you are meant to have of yourself. Families pass down certain genes and traits from one generation to another. Similarly, our Father God passed along His nature to us, and that “family resemblance” is meant to be a reminder of where we come from, to whom we belong, and what we are intended to be.


To a large degree, your thoughts and feelings about yourself are determined by your self-worth. Your self-worth is the value you place on yourself. How much value do you think you have? Again, to find the true answer, you have to go back to the beginning. The Creator made you in His image and likeness, and therefore your value is a reflection of His value. Moreover, leaders value others as they value themselves.

The majority of the people in the world do not have self-worth but “others-worth.” This is the acceptance of the worth others place on you. You will never become the leader you were created to be until you become free from other people’s valuation of you and perception of your worth.


While self-worth asks, “How much value do I believe I have?” self-esteem asks, “What does this mean to my environment?” Self-esteem is your estimation of your value to the world. It is how you regard yourself in terms of your contribution and usefulness to others. Self-esteem is therefore your sense of significance to the world and the universe.

Many people suffer from very low self-esteem. I have found that women are more vulnerable to low self-esteem than men. This is because they are more emotional by design. They have a natural and valuable gift of empathy that can backfire if they don’t know who they were created to be. Many women allow men to control them because they are looking for their esteem from their relationships with males rather than from their relationship with their Creator. This is a serious problem for many women, and it hinders the expression of their leadership nature.

Again, self-esteem is your awareness of your value to your environment. After God gave human beings their self-concept and self-worth. His next instruction was for them to have dominion over the earth because he wanted them to understand how important they were to the entire environment. He esteemed them highly by making them co-rulers over creation.


The greatest discovery in human experience is self-discovery. Your leadership attitude comes alive when you become aware of your true nature. The great Greek philosopher Socrates made “Know thyself” the guiding principle of his life, and this idea was perpetuated by his disciple, Plato. Yet “Know thyself” is an incomplete idea because all they knew was that there was something to learning about yourself. They didn’t fully understand or explain how to do this. The only way to know yourself is to know where you originated because you are just like the Source from which you came. This is why the best way to discover and understand yourself is to discover and study the nature and attributes of God. Knowing God leads to humanity’s greatest knowledge about itself.


The spirit of leadership is the state of mind or attitude that emanates from the nature of a leader. There is nothing on earth as powerful as a thought or an idea. We are what we think, and we become what we continue to think. You cannot rise above the plane of your mental conditioning. To change your life, you must change your mind. For now, let’s look at the spirit of leadership from various definitions and perspectives that will help us grasp this vital concept. The spirit of leadership –

·        Is a mind-set.
·        Dictates one’s motivation.
·        Is revealed in one’s response to one’s environment.
·        Is a perception of oneself and the world.
·        Is the convictions that regulate one’s thoughts about oneself and one’s world.
·        Is one’s personal, private philosophy of life.
·        Is one’s thoughts about oneself and one’s environment.
·        Is one’s belief system, which controls one’s behavior.
·        Is the source of one’s actions, which determines the response of the environment.
·        Is how you interpret the world.
·        Is your mental conditioning.


As stated above, there is nothing as powerful as a thought or idea, but there is nothing more important than the source of our thoughts. Our thoughts are products of what we have heard or learned. What we derive our thoughts from determines the kind of thoughts we conceive and who we eventually become. If “as a person thinks in his heart, so is he,” then the source from which man gets the thoughts that he thinks is most critical.

Therefore, as we approach this delicate subject of the spirit of leadership, which is essentially the thought-life of the individual, we must carefully consider the process by which thoughts transfer to our lives. The process involves the following:

1.      A source transmits its idea through words or images.
2.      Words heard or images seen transmit thoughts and ideas to our minds
3.      Thoughts conceived become ideas.
4.      Ideas conceived become ideologies.
5.      Ideologies conceived become beliefs.
6.      Beliefs conceived become convictions.
7.      Convictions conceived become philosophies.
8.      Philosophies conceived become lifestyles.
9.      Lifestyles determine our destinies.

A careful study of the above process reveals that the most important component is the source of our thoughts. As a result, our mind-sets, attitudes, beliefs, and convictions are generally determined by someone else’s ideas. It is remarkable that you and I can be living what other people think. Therefore, the key to living effectively is receiving your thoughts from the correct source.

When your philosophy, beliefs, thoughts, and convictions are based on the way you were created to think, you will naturally rule over your environment and fulfill your life’s purpose. When they are based on erroneous thinking and attitudes, you will feel frustrated and trapped by your circumstances. This is, unfortunately, the case for many of us.


By now we understand that the leadership spirit refers to the inherent spirit of mankind that possesses the natural qualities and characteristics of the Creator. Having the leadership spirit means that you are naturally created to lead.

However, the spirit of leadership is essentially different in that it refers to the mind-set, mentality or attitudes that accompany a true leadership spirit and allows the dormant leadership potential to be fully manifested and maximized. Without the spirit of leadership, the leadership spirit will remain dormant.

Having the spirit of leadership means that you understand and demonstrate the mind-set of a leader. Having the leadership spirit without the spirit of leadership is like having a powerful automobile without the knowledge or ability to drive it. It is like a seed that never becomes the tree it was destined to be.

Let me emphasize again that no one can “teach” you to be a leader. For example, you can’t train an orange to be an orange. It just naturally is one. Likewise, it is instinctive for a fish to swim. You can’t teach it to move its fins and tail; it just does those things naturally.
Manifesting the spirit of leadership is a matter of discovering and nurturing your true self so that you naturally evidence your leadership nature.

Sunday, 14 July 2013


We see this principle in the following expressions spoken by Jesus:

Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love.

If any says, “I love God,” yet hates his brother, he is a liar. For anyone who does not love his brother, whom he has seen, cannot love God, whom he has not seen. And he has given us this command: Whoever loves God must also love his brother.

Jesus replied: ‘“Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.”

The above texts clearly indicate that love for mankind is a priority and is evidence that one loves God, the Creator of humanity. Perhaps this is the major ingredient missing in leadership today. The focus is on results and performance more than on values, such as love, caring, compassion, and kindness. We need leaders who love their followers more than they love their goals and objectives. We must understand and capture this spirit of leadership in order to fully manifest the leadership potential hidden within each of us.


  Self-discovery is at the heart of the leadership spirit. It is birthed from rediscovering your true nature, potential, capacity, character, and abilities through rediscovering your Source – God. This will naturally lead you to the revelation that all humans are created in God’s image and likeness, and therefore possess the same value, worth, and estimation as yourself.

If each individual bears the same image of God that you do, then it becomes impossible to separate His image in man from Himself. In essence, it is not possible to say that you love God but hate mankind, for this becomes a contradiction. You will have a natural love for others because you will perceive that you and they are essentially the same. Since they are in God’s image and likeness, as you are, then any negative approach or act against them is an act against yourself and against the Creator, as well. A true leader who is reconnected with the leadership spirit understands that serving mankind is serving God Himself, and thus serves his fellowmen from a motivation of love and respect.



Adam was comfortable in God’s company because he was just like Him. In effect, the nature of the leadership spirit is to be comfortable in the presence of power, authority, and might without being intimidated. When the leadership spirit is fully restored, you revere and respect God and His authority but are never fearful in His presence; you rejoice in His company. True leaders respect and honor authority but are comfortable in its presence.


The restoration of the leadership spirit also brings a level of confidence that is not common, and that, in the eyes of many, seems to come from another world. Your thinking and perception come from a higher plane. When Jesus was on trial before the Roman procurator Pilate, the ruler asked Him, “Are you a king?” He answered, “My kingdom is not of this world.” In other words, “My government is from another place.” When a person rediscovers the leadership spirit, his confidence emerges from an understanding of who and what he is and an awareness of his true capacity and abilities. This natural confidence, grounded in a conviction of self-discovery and self-awareness, is so sure that it is sometimes mistaken for arrogance by the insecure.


When you rediscover the leadership spirit, you love and are comfortable with yourself because you become aware that your self-worth, self-esteem, and self-concept are the result of the fact that you were made in God’s image and possess His qualities and characteristics. Suddenly, you’re not trying to compensate for a sense of inadequacy or inferiority, and you’re not trying to use or abuse people to make yourself feel superior.

The self-esteem derived from self-discovery sets you free from the assessments of others. When the estimation of your personal value and worth is found in your realization that you are in the “god-class,” in the sense of your being created in God’s image and likeness (though not equal to Him), then the result is a high self-esteem. This high self-esteem sets you free from the negative effects of other people’s opinions. That is the reason that you can serve them as a servant leader. Even if they mistreat you, it doesn’t affect your estimation of your value to them. This is why Jesus Christ could say on the cross, “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.” He knew how valuable He was to them – both in who He was and in what He was doing on their behalf. His self-esteem was intact, right to the end.

Because a true leadership spirit is borne out of a strong sense of self-worth and self-esteem, leaders can be compassionate, patient, forgiving, and kind. They do not need to gain their self-assessment from the people whom they are serving. They understand that you cannot set people free until you are free from them. If you need the people whom you are leading in order to feel important, then you cannot lead them. Ultimately, they end up leading you.

This is why discovering the leadership spirit is a prerequisite to serving. If you never discover who you are, you will always misinterpret the attitudes and actions of others. You’ll also underestimate everyone else – you’ll consider them less than what they really are because you’ll want to feel that you are above them. You will “under-esteem” them. However, you will treat people well and esteem them highly when you rediscover the leadership spirit and are secure in yourself.