I am not a spiritual hitchhiker,
one who depends on other’s faith in times of need. I have my own faith-life,
just as I have my own shoes. When a crisis comes, I do not need to seek for
someone else to pray the “prayer of faith” for me; I do my own praying. If sickness
strikes, I am ready to be used of God to minister healing in Jesus Name.
Romans 12:3, “God hath given to
every man the measure of faith.” I declare this fact: God has given me the
measure of faith. God does not classify me as a doubter, an unbeliever. I am a
member of the household of faith. I am a faith-man, a faith-woman. I say it
often, “Faith is something that I have, for God has given to every Christian
the measure of faith.”
Matthew 7:7: “Everyone that
asketh receiveth.” This is the word of Jesus on the subject. Jesus clearly
taught that everyone should do his own asking; everyone should do his own
Acts 10:34, “I perceive that God
is no respecter of persons.” There are no pets of divinity. God is no respecter
of persons. The Father has no favourites. There are no lucky people with the
Lord. I am just as dear to the Father as any evangelist, pastor, missionary,
prophet or teacher. I have just as much righteousness as any other Christian
has, for my righteousness is based on what Jesus has done in my stead (II
Corinthians 5:21).
Romans 12:12, “Continuing instant
in prayer.” As a result of having my own faith-life, I know that I have instant
access to God. I do not have to look here or there for someone to pray, I am
bold in doing my own praying. “Whatsoever ye shall ask the Father in My Name, He
will give it to you” John 16:23. I have the right to pray in the Name of Jesus
to my Father, just as much right as anyone else.
I am taking my place in the
believer’s authority. I have ceased being a spiritual hitchhiker. I can contact
the Father in the Name of Jesus as well as anyone can. The Father loves me as
much as any of His children. I am bold in my faith. I pray and expect mighty answers.
I tell others that I am praying for them. Courageously, I am God’s channel of
blessing to minister healing and help to those in need. I fearlessly cast out
demons in Jesus’ Name. I dare to speak the Word confidently against all sorts
of oppressions. I possess faith in the live-giving Word of my lips.
I have faith in my own faith. It is
the faith of God. I have faith in my God.
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