Thursday, 4 July 2013

Be Your Own Faith Builder

Don’t read these paragraphs to follow quietly. They are only to be read aloud. You are building your own faith, for “faith cometh by hearing the words of God.” Go to it now, and be your own “Faith-Builder.”
                “I am a new creature in Christ Jesus. Yes, I am. What does this mean? It means that the moment I received Christ as my personal Saviour and Lord, I was born into God’s royal family. I am a son of God. God has created me now in Christ Jesus. He has put new life into me. I have been born from above, born of the spirit. Everything that God creates is good. I will not run down my life, because my life is in Christ. He made me, and not myself. I am what He has made me to be. . . A New Creature. I will not belittle myself, for I am in Christ, and in Christ I have been granted new life. The old life is gone. I am a of a new Kingdom. My citizenship is in Heaven.
                “If you see an angel, ask him and he will tell you that my name is written down in Heaven. O wonder of wonders, I am a new creation in Christ. Created by God, His own workmanship. God is now working within me both to will and do of His own good pleasure. What is God doing within me? He is building me up! Making me strong in faith. How is He doing this? By His own Word!
                “I am the righteousness of God in Christ. How do I know this? II Corinthians 5:21 is one of the great statements, among others, that tells me this fact. I am now righteous in Christ. Not only a new creature in Christ, but righteous in Christ. What does it mean to be righteous? It means that I possess the divine ability to be able to stand in God’s Holy presence without any sense of unworthiness. It means that God has made me righteous with His own righteousness. I stand before Him with no sense of unworthiness. So now that I am complete in Christ, I am free from that old inferiority complex that once held me captive. Hallelujah!
                “I am redeemed from the Kingdom of darkness and I have been translated into the Kingdom of God’s dear Son. Once I was held in the realm of spiritual darkness. Satan was my lord and master. I was chained, bound, doomed for eternity in Hell. But then Jesus came and broke the bonds, loosed my soul from eternal damnation and gave me Hs life. I am now in that great Kingdom where He reigns as Lord of lords and King of kings. He invites me to join Him on the Throne. I reign with Him in life. Yes, I am redeemed. Once I lived in awful bondage to Satan. Sin was my master. I lived to gratify the flesh. But now in this new Kingdom, sin has no dominion over me. In the old kingdom of darkness, I lived under the sway of sickness, fear, poverty and failure. I was held by unclean powers. But now through the blood of Jesus, I have been delivered. I say it boldly, “Goodbye sickness, goodbye fear, goodbye lack, goodbye weakness. I am free!” Now I live in a new kingdom, the heavenly kingdom where there is life, light, liberty, joy, peace, health, assurance, blessing and power. What a redemption is mine! What a Redeemer I have!
                “I am an heir of God and a joint heir with Jesus Christ. To be saved isn’t a light thing. I have received a rich inheritance. I am blessed with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus. My Father loves me as He loved the Lord Jesus. He loves me with an everlasting love. Yes, I am blessed with heaven’s best.
                “My Christ said, ‘I am the Vine and ye are the branches.’ That’s how close I am linked with Him. He’s that living Vine and I am a branch of that Vine. That same life, love, joy, peace, power, wisdom and ability that flows in the Vine flows into the branch. Wherever I, the branch go, the Vine-life flows!
                “I have the life of God in my mortal body right now. Not just when I get to Heaven, but now, my spirit has been quickened, made alive and now I live and move and have my being in Christ. I have what God says I have. I can do what God says I can do. I am what God says I am.
                “I __________________, affirm that the above facts are forever settled in Heaven, and they are now settled in my heart. I shall often speak boldly, and ‘possess my possession’ in Christ Jesus.”

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